ISE 2019 | EU Amsterdam

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ISE 2019 | EU Amsterdam

Netherlands ISE Audio Visual and System Integration Exhibition
Date :5th to 8th March,2019
Add :Rai Amsterdam Europapiein 2-221078 GZ Amsterdam Nerherland

Raisefront team continues to expand the influence of overseas brands, And strive to improve the company's international influence, In order to open up the European Led display market,
It has participated in the European Led exhibition for 5 consecutive years.

ISE is by far the most successful audiovisual and system, Integration exhibition held in Europe, The exhibition is co-sponsored by InfoComm International,  An international information exchange industry association in the United States, And The Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association, Which represents the highest authority of audio-visual technology, In the commercial field and is also the most influential in the industry industry organization, Since the first successful ISE held in Geneva, Switzerland in February 2004, the exhibitors and visitors have set new records every year.